Wednesday, April 25, 2012

I hate Life

Life just seems to be all over the place so many people have told me God would not have thrown things at you if he knew you couldn't handle them and that everything happens for a reason. You know im glad i have an amazing boyfriend that loves me and doesn't want to change me and hes been working so hard while im trying to find a job its not that easy it seems like no wants to hire me. Me and Chris are just so stressed with trying to find a good apartment thats close to his job and one we can afford we need to get out of my sisters its a never ending blaming game and im tired of it. Her acting like shes better than everyone and she can do no wrong but shes going to say shit about me and my life she needs to look at hers before she judges mine...

I love my sister and i have looked up to her for the longest time as a role model now i look at her and say what the fuck happened to her she isn't the girl i used to know no she has changed and not for the better.But any who im trying look at a better outlook on life trying to be more cheerful and thank god for life and for what i have. Trying to start my life with chris and hopefully one day start a family but not rushing it i like it with just me and him but when were ready we will take that step...  well im going to go for now who knows maybe ill write in this later tonight.......

0 loves: